Milford City Parks and Reservations


Park Map           


Pavilion Park

Our Pavilion Park provides a covered pavilion with tables, a cooking area, and playground.

Reservations for the Pavilion can be made by filling out a reservation form and returning it to the city office Monday – Friday between 8am – 4pm. To confirm availability please call (435) 387-2711.

       Old City Park

The“Old City Park” is located next to the Cemetery. This is a nice quiet park with a small playground to take your kids for the afternoon or evening for some fun.

Milford Lions Club RV Park

Milford Lions Club operates a small trailer park north of the Pavilion Park. There is no fee to park your RV at this location, however, there is a donation box. Water is available at this location.

Sherwood RV Park

Sherwood RV Park is located at 375 South 100 West (north of the Milford Chevron Station).  Electric, water and sewer hookups are available. To make reservations or check rates please contact Bryan Sherwood at (435) 387-2540.